19th – 23rd August | 09:30-16:30
City of Oxford College, Oxpens Road, Oxford.
Body Politic, Dancin’ Oxford and City of Oxford College are launching their first Dance Leadership (DL1) Programme this summer. The Leadership programme is a nationally recognised qualification, which will enable dancers to plan and deliver enjoyable dance sessions within their local communities.
Dancers will have the opportunity to participate in a week’s intensive hip hop dance training with Body Politic’s Artistic Director, Emma-Jane Morbey. Throughout the week, dancers will also develop leadership skills, improve self-confidence, lead and facilitate a dance session. Dancers who complete the full week’s training and submit a finished portfolio will receive a qualification through Sports Leaders UK.
Dancers will be guided through planning and delivering inclusive classes, promoting a healthy lifestyle, basic first aid and the foundations of creating choreography and movement.
The training is free but learners are required to attend the full week in order to complete the training and
Please note that spaces are extremely limited! If you are interested please complete the form by 30th June 2019.
Any questions please email EmJ emj@bodypoliticdance.com or call 07791905851 for more information.
We also offer regular hip hop dance classes for 11-16yrs in Oxford. If you are interested in finding out more please click here.