Looking after our mental health is just as important as our physical health. Yet we are often too ashamed to talk about it. One in four people in the UK suffer from Mental Health illnesses, and only 25% of people seek help (BBC, 2015). It is a topic we feel hugely passionate about, and one that we hope to continue to share with others.

Towards the end of last year Body Politic received Arts Council England Funding to develop existing work titled ‘Reflections’.

‘Reflections’ is a body of work that is aimed at addressing the growing prevalence of mental health issues among young people. Accompanied by spoken word and dynamic movement, Reflections takes you on a journey exploring the highs and lows of mental health.

Body Politic Reflections - Supporting Mental Health

Artistic Director, Emma-Jane Greig said: “It’s been a hugely exciting process for us as a company. Alongside developing the work, we have also been delivering regular dance sessions with local mental health charity Oxfordshire MIND. The sessions have been hugely popular! It’s identified the positive impact dance can have on mental wellbeing and a need for dance amongst registered users.”

Dance sessions with local mental health charity Oxfordshire MIND

The company has been busy creating two new pieces of work. The triple bill will be performed at Pegasus Theatre on Monday 6th March, 7:30pm. We are delving deeper into new ideas surrounding mental health, including spotlighting Freud’s model of the human psyche.

Choreographed by Derek Mok and Stephen Brown who are renowned for their intricate and dynamic movement, this show really is a must see!

Find out more:

If you’d like to book your tickets for the show please click here.

Find out more about the Dancin’ Oxford Festival 2017 here.

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